11 August 2005

Ok, now the 0.5 release of my Simple Backup suite can now actually restore something from your backups! (both command-line and Gnome interfaces) It now even does automatic backups (and not just claims that it does). It even doesn't store empty folders in the backup. Oh and some usability fixes are also thrown in for no extra charge. :)
Note: due to a small, tiny bug in gnomevfs, restoring files from remote backup locations doesn't work yet. I'll have to do a lot of hacking to get that working :P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Working great for me for local backups, you're doing a great job! Can't wait for the remote stuff to get fixed up.

11 August, 2005 23:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks good! Is it going to make it in Breezy before the feature freeze?

12 August, 2005 04:06  
Blogger Aigars Mahinovs said...

Thanks! I was said that it will be pushed into Breezy, if it will be seen ready enough by my Ubuntu mentor.

12 August, 2005 04:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't get it to work on debian. It was complaining about not being able to import gnomevfs, but it worked when I changed that to gnome.vfs. Is this something you know about?

16 August, 2005 21:40  
Blogger Aigars Mahinovs said...

I know that that is an issue with old version of Python gnome bindings. What version of Debian do you have?
I hope that it will not be too hard to make SBackup work on sid, etch and sarge, but one never knows. I had a few hours of head scratching when I was having to make it work in Python 2.3 as 2.4 is not even in sid yet. :P

16 August, 2005 21:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm currently using Debian testing (which would be... what now? etch?) So I would think that I have a not-ancient gnome bindings package. looks like I currently have installed python-gnome2 2.6.1-1. Do you consider this to be old?


18 August, 2005 06:25  

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