28 June 2005

June 28

I arrived to Brussels, slept two hours on the plane. When to the FFII apartment to check the mail and forgot to change the clothes in the hotel. That's why I had to go meet Latvian MEPs in jeans and shirt instead of the nice suit I had bought earlier.
First I met with the assistant of Georgs Andrejevs. He has not followed the issue too closely, but in the end was very positive and interested. I need to send him more details about JURI amendments and our "Buzek-Rocard compromise amendments" and he will inquire the ALDE position.
Then I met with Guntars Krasts from UEN - he seams to be very poisoned by the EICTAs lobbying and would very like to see another Microsoft emerge in Latvia, claiming that we would definitely need patents for that :P. I did some convincing and presented our industry position, that got him thinking. I need to send him more anti-swpat arguments and also the amendments with justification.
I missed both FFII meetings (12.30 and 20.00) - first because I needed to be at the first meeting and the second one because I needed some sleep. When I returned to the hotel at 17.00 I put up an alarm clock for 20.00, but it couldn't wake me up. So I only woke up on the next morning.


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